About Our Club

The Rotary Club of Scottsdale, founded in 1954, is the premier Rotary Club in the Scottsdale and Paradise Valley areas and the second largest Rotary club in the Valley of the Sun. We are proud of our support for youth in our area, Scottsdale's Rotary Park, Scottsdale Sister Cities, Rotary International and for the quality of our weekly luncheon speakers/programs.
Through its support of Rotary International Foundation the club supports PolioPlus Fund, provides clean water, promotes world peace, fights disease around world , saves mothers and children, supports education and grows local economies.
Again, Rotary Club of Scottsdale is known for its outstanding speakers - nationally known innovators, high ranking legislators, supreme court judges, high ranking military officials, sports figures (professional/university), artists, educators, business owners/professionals and more... Following is an example of a recent luncheon speaker - to view video of the 16th President - Abraham Lincoln (portrayed by James Getty, scholar, historian and actor) speaking to meeting attendees - click on Lincoln picture below.
Video provided by Rotary Club of Scottsdale Rotarian - Roger Rohrs - APIBestinClass.com